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Scope of Work

The scope of work involves the preparation of detailed working diagrams of machinery and mechanical devices, including dimensions, fastening methods, and other engineering information.

Typical Duties and Responsibilities

The typical duties and responsibilities that may be assigned to individual team members, from to time to time, include: the development of detailed design drawings and specifications for mechanical equipment, dies/tools, and controls, according to engineering sketches and design proposals; design on scale or full size blueprints of speciality items; prepare layout and draw schematics, orthographic, or angle views to depict functional relationships of components, assemble systems, and machines; draw freehand sketches of designs and traces finished drawings onto designated paper for reproduction of blueprints; shade or colour drawings to clarify and emphasize details and dimensions and eliminate background, using ink, crayon, airbrush, and overlays; review and analyze specifications, sketches, engineering drawings, ideas, and related design data to determine factors affecting component designs; modify and revise designs to correct operating deficiencies or to reduce production problems; measure machine set-up and parts during production to ensure compliance with design specifications, using precision measuring instruments; direct work activities of detailer and confer with staff and supervisors to resolve design or other problems; co-ordinate and work in conjunction with other workers to design, layout, or detail components and systems; confer with client representatives to review schematics and answer questions pertaining to installation of systems; compile and analyze test data to determine effect of machine design on various factors, such as temperature and pressure; observe set-up and gauges during programmed machine or equipment trial runs to verify conformance of signals and systems to specifications; compute mathematical formulas to develop and design detailed specifications for components or machinery, using computer-assisted equipment; position instructions and comments onto drawings and illustrate and describe installation and maintenance details; and layout drawing, and reproduction illustration for reference manuals and technical publications to describe operation and maintenance of mechanical systems.

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